After 2 weeks of on time arrivals and departures, thanks to a very professional travel company which served the conference, we were rudely reminded of how things actually work in Mongolia.
Planned departure time from Ulaanbaatar-Friday morning at 9 AM.
Actual pickup time-3 PM.
Actual time of departure from the city-5 PM.
The ride itself was uneventful aside from one flat tire and lots of mud, but a bit squeezed with 5 adults, 1 cat, 1 dog and a house load of goods. A few stretches of the 550 kilometers have been paved or graded, but the vast majority is still dirt tracks carved out of the desert. We arrived in Hanhongor around 9 AM on Saturday to see our beautiful ger for the first time. The paint work is even more lovely that I had expected, and once we get flooring and furniture it will be a lovely place to live.